
maroon wave

SU Plans National Eating Disorder Awareness Week Activities

SALISBURY, MD---久久国产精品久久 offers a week of events promoting personal acceptance and social understanding during National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, February 22-26.

The week kicks off with “Be Comfortable in Your Genes” as students are invited to donate their old jeans to local charities. Drop-off locations are available throughout the SU campus and will remain open the entire week.

February 22 is “Mirrorless Monday,” during which mirrors in bathrooms throughout campus are covered with positive affirmation messages to provide a visual reminder that one’s value does not come from a mirror image.

During “Talk It Up Tuesday,” February 23, an information table at the Commons offers screenings and eating disorder resources from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

SU President Janet Dudley-Eshbach speaks as part of “It’s Time to Talk About It and Walk About It Wednesday,” February 24, at 12:30 p.m. on the front steps of Holloway Hall. Following the lecture, Sammy the Sea Gull leads a walk around campus.

On Thursday, February 25, award-winning author, bulimia survivor and eating disorder coach Lori Hanson discusses her novel, “It Started with Pop-Tarts … My Story,” at 6 p.m. in the Wicomico Room of the Guerrieri University Center. A question and answer session follows.

The week concludes with “Brownbag Lunch and Facebook Friday,” February 26. From noon-1 p.m. in the Nanticoke Room of the Guerrieri University Center, Student Health Services and the Counseling Center invites everyone to bring their lunch and join in a discussion of the importance of eating disorder awareness. In addition, the Commons offers information on how to join “Facebook’s Media Watchdog,” a program created to improve the media’s messages about size, weight and beauty, from noon-2 p.m.

Sponsored by Student Counseling Services, admission to all events is free and the public is invited. For more information call 410-543-6070 or visit the SU web site at www.salisbury.edu.